Many approach knitting like a sport. If you are by nature simply sporty there is Brian, my simple 3-piece top down sweater in smooth, soft merino. But if you like sprinting to the finish line go for Keith, a pair of fingerless gloves in cashmere, or Jim, my reversible hat in lace weight merino. If you’re a marathoner, there is Gabriel, with all-over cables in baby alpaca or Kurt, in luxurious hand-dyed cashmere from Inner Mongolia. Then if you are more of a decathlon-style knitter, you’ll love Robert a sweater that looks exactly like a dress shirt complete with buttoned cuffs and a collar with neckband. Knitted in one piece using the finest linen or cotton, it offers numerous challenges. They all provide the kind of exercise knitters love, and no matter what sporty event you choose when you cross the finish line you’ll surely feel like a winner.